25 May 2021

MBKG donated necessary items to Chulalongkorn Hospital to fight against COVID-19

MBK Guarantee Company Limited, led by Mr. Krittamuk Kanchanabut, Marketing Manager Team 1 (2nd from right) and Mr. Chaiyasit Sritawat Na Ayudaya, Marketing Manager Team 2 (1st from the right), donated necessary items e.g. contaminated waste bins, towels, food containers, and recycling bags, to King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society to fight against COVID-19 with Kavirach Tantiwongse, M.D., Deputy Director of Information Technology (2nd from left) as a representative of the hospital.

infections of COVID-19 10,349 times, and take care of 407 infected patients. Everyone has to work against time and face the risks in order to solve this situation ASAP.

The MBKG team wishes everyone the best to get through this crisis.