07 ธันวาคม 2559

The Baan Kong Mong Tha School Student Dormitories Refurbishing Campaign

The executives of MBK-G, along with the MBK-G’s employees, joined together in an activity to refurbish the student dormitories of a primary school in a remote area in The Kanchanaburi province on 16-18 November, 2016


The Baan Kong Mong Tha School is located at the border between Thailand and Myanmar. The students are from 3-15 years old and mostly have to stay in the dormitory as their houses are located in remote areas.


This Student Dormitories Refurbishing campaign was initiated as MBK-G have been inspecting the school since 2015 and realized that the student dormitories were not in a good condition with problems such as  broken ceilings, leaking roofs, windows that cannot be opened etc.


MBK-G hosted its annual CSR event “MBK-G 2nd Charity Race Bangkok”, on 24 April 2016. The event raised more than Bt 500,000 from ticket sales and sponsorships and all the proceeds went directly to improving the Baan Kong Mong Tha School.


The renovation work included;

-     level up the ceiling

-     improve the lighting system

-     install new ceiling fans

-     change the bathroom hardware

-     install venetian glass

-     install mosquito nets

-     plus more


After completing and handing over the brand new dormitories, we could see how happy everyone at the school was and the importance of the task. We believe that it will improve students’ quality of life for many years to come.